Note. This is highly un – Politically Correct. If you disagree, please comment with respect, or not at all. 

Processed with VSCO with s2 presetThere’s a lot of talk nowadays about us women – what we deserve, what we go through just Being Women; how great we are and how everyone needs to acknowledge that. We make the world go round. We are, after all, Women.

This morning, as I walked into the hotel breakfast room, I tried to be aware of my countenance. So often in our culture now, women are sour, dour and defensive. Not readily do you find a woman without a chip on her shoulder; without a hardened shell.  That shows through her countenance. But the loveliness in a tender heart and womanly, gentle and vulnerable, cannot be ignored. Quite the contrary, it is refreshingly stark against the coarse visage of the Modern Woman. It’s like a spring scene after winter. It is what the songs, poems and love stories of old were based on – that creature full of grace, tenderness, and forgiveness, soft speech, gentle words and kind. She who laughs merrily – not from spite or anger and doesn’t wallow in pity parties (hello, me). She is the lady who trusts, depends on her man and isn’t ashamed that she needs him; rather she honestly acknowledges that need, and he is propelled all the more to be the man she deserves. Such songs and poems couldn’t be written now, because such poetry required a lady to win, woo, defend and protect. But we don’t need defending by anyone. We are women. We defend ourselves. So men hesitate to open doors for us, or compliment our womanliness, or, indeed, acknowledge any difference at all. Processed with VSCO with s2 presetThere is so much in Man to be admired: their strength, courage, nobility and chivalry, their calm under fire, their ability to defend and to strategize, their consistent hard work. The things about them that are simply different than us girls, physically, mentally and emotionally, are worth praising. They are things to admire in them, not belittle. And yet, they are belittled. I hope in all this mad grasping for our own recognition, that we will pause. This mindset of Women’s Rights, Women Rule, Women, Women, Women is so prevalent, that sometimes we swallow the draught without examining it, and the damage it causes to men, our families, and our social structure. Its mantras can run through our heads, out our mouths and integrate into our actions, with barely any notice from us at all.

It is damaging though. When men cannot be Manly Men, and are cowed by us into submission of our Wants, Our Needs, Our Rights, our structure dissolves away.  God created us ladies with the capacity of tenderness, durability, enabling, inspiring, nurturing and encouraging. But it’s not through singing our own praises that we achieve our greatness. It’s in focusing on the success, the needs and the fulfillment of others. How I do hope that I can do that. And that my husband will not feel demeaned, unneeded or disrespected in this age of Women Who Need No-one. The truth is, we do. And our men are worthy of praise and respect.

This morning, I tried to be aware of my countenance simply because I don’t want the dour, armor plaited hardness of the Modern Woman anywhere in my heart, face or demeanor. I want, and hope that all we ladies, can examine the loveliness of a woman as first intended, without this warped hardness, bitterness and self – boasting, for it is truly a wondrous masterpiece.



6 responses to “chip on your chiseled shoulder, Ma’am”

  1. Teresa Elsenbrock Avatar
    Teresa Elsenbrock

    Very, very, VERY, needed are these timely words, my sweet friend. You have such a way with our wonderful language, and I love that you use it to promote and glorify the One who gave it, which this article does. And, I do see you as a lady who presents herself with the right air – a southern lady with charm and wit and one who knows her place. I love how you thoughtfully relate womanhood’s collective need of these God-given, lady-like qualities, how you gently provoke us to a higher calling worthy of approval. All of us – even the menfolk – need this reminder. And us womenfolk, we surely need this dose of humility! May God soften all of His ladies’ hearts to live closer to His design, and the men to respond manly in kind. May we all – man and woman -press on toward the mark of the prize of the high calling, dear lady!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mydearestwatson Avatar

      Thank you for your encouragement and for reading! Xo


  2. eschulze1992 Avatar

    Love this! Thank you.


    1. mydearestwatson Avatar

      Thanks for dropping by!


  3. jeanie watson Avatar
    jeanie watson

    Beautiful. Love what you shared, and it’s true. It’s true because of the One who, for us all, designed it to be that way. The sad reality is that we live in a broken world with broken lives who have never experienced God’s best, His unconditional love, and His healing and forgiveness. I think of Mary and Martha, of the woman with the Alabaster box, the woman with the issue of blood, and so many more, back then and now,…. being drawn by the Holy Spirit to Jesus. Men and women surrendered to Jesus makes it possible to live out His design for His glory. Our circumstances are all different, but God is unchanging and unwavering in His love and power. The challenge is to live for Him where we are.


    1. mydearestwatson Avatar

      True. Thank you for reading and for your thoughts!


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